Monday, December 30, 2019

12 diferencias entre ciudadanos y residentes permanentes legales

Las diferencias en derechos entre un ciudadano americano y un residente permanente legal son numerosas y de gran importancia. Es fundamental saber las diferencias porque aunque la tarjeta de residencia, tambià ©n conocida como green card, permite que un extranjero viva y trabaje legalmente en Estados Unidos, pero no le da los derechos que sà ³lo pueden tener los estadounidenses. En este artà ­culo ademà ¡s de seà ±alar cuà ¡les son las 12 diferencias fundamentales se recuerdan dos obligaciones comunes y se seà ±ala cuà ¡l es el camino a seguir para pasar de ser residente permanente legal a ciudadano de los Estados Unidos. 12  ejemplos de derechos que sà ³lo tienen los ciudadanos estadounidenses 1. Votar, previa registracià ³n, en elecciones nacionales para elegir presidente de los Estados Unidos, senadores y congresistas. Este derecho se mantiene en la mayorà ­a de los casos aà ºn cuando el ciudadano reside habitualmente en otro paà ­s. Es decir, los expatriados pueden votar. 2. Acceder a ciertos empleos limitados a ciudadanos. Estas son las 50 profesiones con mà ¡s demanda en el gobierno federal, con sus salarios y nivel de educacià ³n que se pide. Incluso hay que tener en cuenta que ciertos empleos que requieren previa autorizacià ³n por motivos de seguridad (clearance) pueden estar vetados a ciudadanos americanos con doble nacionalidad. 3. Ser elegido representante de los ciudadanos. 4. Actuar como jurado en juicios civiles o penales. 5. Poder solicitar la residencia permanente para familiares  en mà ¡s casos y mà ¡s rà ¡pidamente que los que son solamente titulares de una tarjeta de residencia. Pero recordar que para solicitar los papeles para padres o hermanos los ciudadanos deben de haber cumplido los 21 aà ±os de edad. 6. Poder vivir en el extranjero sin là ­mite de tiempo. Sin embargo, los residentes sà ­ tienen que tener cuidado con el tiempo que pasan fuera de Estados Unidos, ya que pueden quedarse sin la residencia. 7. Si cometen crà ­menes o faltas, los ciudadanos son responsables penalmente y/o civilmente, pero no pierden derecho a vivir en EEUU. Por el contrario, los residentes pueden ser deportados. 8. Ademà ¡s, a diferencia de lo que ocurre con la green card la ciudadanà ­a no se tiene que renovar, es para toda la vida. Sà ³lo se pierde en casos extremos o por actos voluntarios expresos. Esta es una lista de famosos estadounidenses que renunciaron a su nacionalidad por causas muy diversas, aunque en la mayorà ­a de los casos fue para no pagar impuestos. 9. Los ciudadanos pueden tener una doble nacionalidad. Ya que EU no exige a los ciudadanos que se naturalizan que renuncien a su ciudadanà ­a original. Sin embargo, el paà ­s de origen sà ­ que puede exigir que sus ciudadanos que renuncien a su nacià ³n de nacimiento al jurar lealtad a los Estados Unidos. 10. Sà ³lo los ciudadanos  pueden pedir una visa para sus prometidos extranjeros. La finalidad tiene que ser casarse en los Estados Unidos.  Ademà ¡s, los familiares inmediatos de ciudadanos, como son su cà ³nyuge, hijos solteros menores de 21 aà ±os y los padres, gozan de ciertos beneficios migratorios, como la posibilidad de ajustar su estatus en mà ¡s casos, etc. 11. Son estadounidenses y tienen derecho al pasaporte americano los hijos de ciudadanos nacidos en el exterior, salvo con ciertas limitaciones. Y eso es porque pueden transmitir su ciudadanà ­a a sus hijos sin importar su lugar de nacimiento. Es lo que se conoce como derecho de sangre. 12. Otra importante diferencia entre los ciudadanos y los residentes permanentes es que ciertos beneficios sociales como los cupones de alimentos y Medicaid aplican de manera distinta a residentes y ciudadanos. Obligaciones comunes a ciudadanos y residentes Aunque el estatus de ciudadano y de residente es distinto, existen obligaciones comunes a ambos. Por ejemplo, la de registrarse para el Servicio Selectivo  o la de pagar impuestos. Naturalizarse para obtener la ciudadanà ­a americana Los residentes permanentes pueden solicitar naturalizarse  cuando cumplen el  tiempo de espera de los residentes para aplicar por la ciudadanà ­a americana  que varà ­a dependiendo del caso. Si lo que da miedo es el examen de inglà ©s y conocimientos cà ­vicos hay que saber que en algunos casos es posible rendir el examen en espaà ±ol. Asimismo, algunos discapacitados podrà ­an no tener que rendirlo. Tambià ©n es posible preparar el examen en las clases gratuitas para la ciudadanà ­a que brindan numerosas organizaciones en todo el paà ­s o tomar este quiz o test de respuestas mà ºltiples para saber  si aprobarà ­as el examen de naturalizacià ³n  sobre conocimientos cà ­vicos.   Actualmente, el proceso de naturalizacià ³n dura un promedio de cinco a seis meses y debe iniciarse rellenando correctamente el formulario N-400.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Problem Of Unemployment Among Immigrants - 1294 Words

Unemployment among immigrants in Canada is triggered due to immigrants’ incapability to integrate in the new country and government’s inefficient selection policy. Canada is considered as pioneer in welcoming and accepting immigrants. Every year nearly 240,000- 265,000 new immigrants are entering Canada (Garcia, p. 190). Since creation in 1867, Canada followed three different stances to immigration and diversity. From 1867-1960 is considered as the period of building a white, British, Christian Canada. From 1960-2000, is the period of building a multicultural Canada with an emphasis given mainly for family reunification and labour force requirements. From 2000 till to date is the period of building a vibrant and flexible workforce (Garcia,†¦show more content†¦Immigrants who arrived in Canada between 2001 and 2006, the unemployment rate was 11.5 per cent, compared to 4.9 per cent among the Canadian-born population (Unemployment rate among new immigrants 11.5%: Stats Can, 2017, Para 2). Due to these reasons the government recently introduced changes to immigration policy by significantly increasing the temporary workers, expanding the provincial nominee program (PNP), creating the Canadian experience class, handing over power to the minister to determine processing criteria, introducing pre immigration language screening and skill certification system (Garcia, p. 194). High skilled immigrants with university degree cannot find suitable employment in Canadian job market for many reasons among which the most important to mention are lack of Canadian work experience, non-recognition of foreign credentials, language barriers, and lack of networking (Garcia, et al., p. 192). First of all, the new immigrants can’t find suitable employment due to lack of Canadian experience that pushes them to be unemployed or underemployed. For example the point system selection criteria evaluated the applicants work experience in the source country (Andras, et al., p. 7). But after arrival in Canada they see different scenario. The employers in Canada consider only Canadian experience and do not take into consideration of the previous work experience in the source country which creates big barriers forShow MoreRelatedUnemployment : Unemployment And Unemployment1573 Words   |  7 PagesINTRODUCTION What is unemployment? Unemployment happens when a man who is effectively looking for employment is not able to find some kind of employment. Unemployment is regularly utilised as a measure of the economy’s wellbeing. The most regularly referred to gauge of unemployment is the unemployment rate. This is the quantity of unemployed persons divided by the quantity of individuals in the work force. The unemployed are those individuals capable, accessible and willing to work at the goingRead MoreThe Positive and Negative Aspects of Job Migration943 Words   |  4 Pagesnative countries to foreign countries. It has many reasons such as educational and economical, religious and political problems. Reason of labor migration lack of work opportunities, and receive sufficient income at home. As we know, the number of people who migrate from their native countries is getting higher and keep increasing. According to statistics, Number of labor immigrants was increase to 145855 all over the world between April and June 2013(Immigration Statistics, April to June 2013).ThisRead More Immigrants and Immigration - Blessing or Burden? Essay1073 Words   |  5 PagesImmigrants and Immigration - Blessing or Burden? Are immigrants a fortune of diversity, or a crushing burden? America has longed battled the issue about immigration. Today people in general have a very mixed feeling about the issue of immigration. Immigrants escaping from prosecution built the United States. 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Then we will concentrate on papers about the situation in particular countries. There is plenty of research available about that particular topic and I would like to start with one of the earliest papers I found. In 1975 Professor Julian L. Simon (Simon 1975) assessed the aggregate effects of immigration on the incomes of natives in the United States and he found out that immigrants constitute and â€Å"excellentRead MoreFrance Of The French Revolution Essay1470 Words   |  6 Pagesâ€Å"France is scaring its own people† and it is becoming a huge political issue. According to Marine Le Pen, the president of the National Front, 44 percent of the immigrant in France and Corsica are unemployed and take advantage of France. The issue is becoming more and more important and the economic wound is growing, not because of the immigrant themselves but because of the French people and their media. â€Å"All Muslims are terrorist† said a gentleman while attending a Mosque construction meeting. FranceRead MoreEssay about Immigration and Its Effect on the United States Economy1640 Words   |  7 PagesImmigration and Its Effect on the United States Economy The 1990s have brought the largest influx of immigrants into labor force of the United States of any decade in this nations history. A panel of social science scholars concluded their assessment of U.S. society with the observation that Americas biggest import is people and determined that at a time when attention is directed to the general decline in American exceptionalism, American immigration continues to flow at a rate unknownRead MoreThe Impact Of Immigration On The United States1469 Words   |  6 PagesDuring the 1990’s there was a massive migration of Hispanics from Central, and South America into Texas. This large influx of population in Texas caused several problems such as hundreds of poor neighborhoods, a need for more teachers in public school, and fewer jobs available for the native born Texans. I plan to find my information on this topic by gathering data from the Rice Library, as well as using my online databases containing several scholarly articles such as JSTOR and GALE. Two sourcesRead MoreThe Rio Grande Valley, And Immigration1426 Words   |  6 PagesRichardson, C. and Pisani, M. are covered to demonstrate the unique economy the Rio Grande has. Poverty rates at a national and local level are compared. Studies by Richardson, C. and Pagan, J. are used for their statistical information regarding unemployment in the Rio Grande Valley from the years 2000 until today. Counterarguments regarding positive effects in the Rio Grande are considered. Conclusion reached is that immigration in the Rio Grande Valley does have a negative effect, although it isRead MoreEthiopian And Soviet Immigration And Their Impacts On Israeli Society1093 Words   |  5 Pagesinto a definite â€Å"melting pot†. Significant waves of Jews came from Europe, the Middle East, Asia, Africa and even North America. The impact each of these groups had on Israeli society differed from group to group. Two of the most recent waves of immigrants to Israel came from Ethiopia and the former Soviet Union. Both groups changed the dynamic of Israeli society in ways previous groups had not. In Israel today there are 125,500 Ethiopian Jews. This constitutes 1.75% of the total population

Friday, December 13, 2019

Poem appreciation †A Poem should not mean but be Free Essays

In the poem ‘A Poem should not mean but be’ the poet causes the reader to question themselves over how they read a poem, how they see it. ‘A Poem should not mean but be’ the Poet here from the title is saying a poem should not be looked upon by people as just words on paper, seeing them as empty and meaningless, but experience the feeling and emotion that has been expressed in poems. A poem is a verbal composition designed to convey experiences, ideas, or emotions in a vivid and imaginative way, characterized by the use of language chosen for its sound and suggestive power and by the use of literary techniques such as meter, metaphor, and rhyme. We will write a custom essay sample on Poem appreciation – A Poem should not mean but be or any similar topic only for you Order Now This is what the Poet is trying to get across to the reader of this poem ‘Does it work when the word happiness is pronounced?’ here right from the start of the poem the Poet asks the question ‘Does it work when the word happiness is pronounced?’ he is putting this question to the audience forcing them to think does it make it happen?, does it bring it to life?, happiness?. In this quote from the poem the Poet is asking the reader are they really feeling the feeling and emotion which is being expressed in poems when they read them rather than just seeing the words. ‘Never is the happiness because orgasm and orgasm are worlds apart’, in this quote from the Poet it shows him expressing his view when he says ‘Never is the happiness’ meaning not ever, on no occasion, at no time is it felt in the poem. The Poet uses the word orgasm to represent the strong feeling of emotional excitement which he obviously feels has been put in poems should be conveyed to the reader. The Poet does not feel that these feelings of emotional excitement expressed in Poems are being picked up by the reader, this is shown when he says ‘orgasm and orgasm are worlds apart’ this shows just how often the Poet feels the readers of poems are on the same wavelength, way of thinking as the one who wrote the poem. ‘At times I see it – words that are pulled from the depths of unknowing’, here the Poet is telling the reader on occasion he sees the words from Poems rely being fully felt for what he believes they should be, the true feeling and emotion ‘from the depths of the unknowing’ I quote from the Poet.  Read also Critical appreciation of the poem â€Å"Old Ladies’ Home†. ‘The secret of life in a sudden line of poetry through the washed rooms of the simple senses’, here the poet is once again speaking about how he feels the readers are seeing the poems. ‘The secret of life in a sudden line of poetry’, here when the Poet says ‘the secret of life’ he is telling us just how much feeling he thinks is put into poems. ‘The secret of life’ refers to the feelings and emotions inside of the Poet who has written the poem . ‘In a sudden line of poetry’, in this quote the Poet uses the word ‘sudden’ to relate to the unforeseen feeling and emotion that has been put into any poem it is unforeseen by the reader because it is coming out of the Poet. ‘Through the washed rooms of the simple senses’ here the Poet once again tells us how he feels readers are not feeling the fullness of poems. This quote from the Poet tells us he feels that the feeling and emotions in poems are passing through the mind, as ‘washed rooms’ he refers to it in the poem. The Poet believes the reader is unaware of how to feel the of the depths of the poem by not seeing past the words on paper, using their ‘simple senses’ I quote from the Poet. A Poem should not mean but be is an exceptionally well written composition which really conveys the feelings of the Poet onto the reader through by the literature used in the text. This Poem really shows the reader how much feeling and emotion is put into a poem and acknowledge the hidden depths of a poem. I found it a compelling ballad which causes much cerebration. How to cite Poem appreciation – A Poem should not mean but be, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Conrads Chief Preoccupation in his Stories is the Effects of Social and Economic Forces on Human Individuals Essay Example For Students

Conrads Chief Preoccupation in his Stories is the Effects of Social and Economic Forces on Human Individuals Essay Joseph Conrad, or should I say Jozef Teodor Konrad Nalecz Korzeniowski was born in the Ukraine in 1857. His parents were Polish patriots and died when he was a child. As a result he was raised by his uncle. At the age of seventeen, Conrad left his uncle to begin his maritime career with the French navy. In 1878 he joined a British ship and he became a British citizen in 1886. Eight years later he left the sea to devote himself to his writing, in English his third language. Conrad describes himself as being concerned with the ideal value of things, events and people, and he defined his task as a writer as by the power of the written word before all, to make you see. But what is it that Conrad wants us to see? His work is full of references to fate, destiny and the unexplainable mysterious, but because they are so transparent and obvious maybe we should look harder at the stories and the way in which the stories are told, and we should try to read the subtext, the underlying story, to find what the ideal value of the each story is and what Conrad wants to make us see. In his introduction to Typhoon, Paul Kirschner quotes from many of Conrads letters, to his friends, publishers and agents, and in these letters Conrad speaks constantly of his ever-mounting debts. While writing Tomorrow he wrote to his agent J. B. Pinter of his anguish as his familys breadwinner and the weariness of having to write for money, and according to Kirschner he must have looked back on his sea-life as the very essence of freedom. So clearly economic difficulty was not far from his thoughts, as obviously being an Eastern European living in England social issues were also important to him. It is to the sea that we go for the setting of Typhoon, a book which has been praised as a masterpiece of clarity and good sense .. it is without mystifying elements an obvious directness of language and point of view. The theme of Typhoon may be MacWhirrs failure to understand figure of speech so maybe Conrad is encouraging us to look beneath the text, to a possible sub-plot with another meaning cleverly hidden within the obvious sea yarn story. The story centres around the contrast between two very exaggerated characters MacWhirr the practical Captain and Jukes his highly imaginative Chief Mate. Both Captain and Chief Mate serve aboard the Nan-Shan, a steamer on its way to the port of Fu-Chau with cargo and 200 coolies chinese workers returning home to their villages. Conrad raises the issue of race/racism to emphasise the material reason for the journey. For example the Siamese flag incident, the Siamese flag represents all things un-english to Jukes which he distrusts and fears, an otherness seen as the coolies. Jukes questions its use to MacWhirr on the ship but does not say that he objects to it because the ship is crewed by British officers, but MacWhirr misses Jukes racist innuendo, and he simply refers to his flag book to ascertain that the flag is indeed the correct Siamese flag. Jukes raises the nationalistic meaning of the flag again later on in the book through his fear of the coolies who are described as a bulky mass and like bees on a branch, he says they will fly at our throats isnt a British ship now he damnd Siamese flag, however this is really an example of Jukes fear of the coolies, fear of the unknown, the incomprehensible, he used them again to hide his fear of the oncoming Typhoon, but is corrected by MacWhirr for calling them passengers, not because they are coolies but because they are not on board as fee-paying passengers, and therefore should be regarded as cargo. Charles Dickens Great Expectations EssayAmy doesnt mean to harm Yanko, after all she was the only person to show Yanko compassion apart from Swaffer who gave Yanko an acre of land after Yanko saved his grandchild from drowning, which prompted Dr. Kennedy to comment no power on earth could prevent them from getting married, and it was his exoticism which attracted her to him in the first place. But Amy cannot break with the norms and traditions of her society and this leads her to distrust Yanko, especially with the arrival of their child, to whom Yanko taught songs from his homeland. But why did she desert him when he most needed her. Earlier in the book we see a formidable forewarning of events to come, when Amy who was very fond of a talking parrot which belonged to the house where she worked, ran out of the house and blocked her ears, when the parrot was attacked by the cat and screamed for help. Amy was fascinated by and loved that exotic bird, but she did not fully understand it and therefore deserted it and allowed it to die. In the throws of death Yanko called out for water, but delirious from his fever he calls out in his native tongue, Amy did not understand, so she took the baby and ran away, leaving him to die. Dr. Kennedys inability to understand Amys actions leads him to describe their domestic tragedy as akin to a Greek tragedy. But it need not be exaggerated so, Amy is simply a product of her community, she is conditioned by the norms and values of her community which she cannot give up, just as Yanko cannot give up his. According to Lawrence Graver this is another theme of the story, the inability of simple minded altruism to calms the basic fear of the unfamiliar or to heal the rift arising from irreconcilable differences between people. Dr. Kennedy asks why Yanko was cast out mysteriously by the sea to perish in the supreme disaster of loneliness and despair. According to Paul Kirschner the great irony of Amy Foster is that Yankos heart failure was not the cause of his death; it was the failure of the hearts of all those with whom he associated, including Dr. Kennedy, who certifying heart failure, cannot see the real cause. Conrad is a foreigner in England by birth, and debt-ridden whilst writing these stories it is clear that he had something he wanted to say regarding the economic and social world he now found himself in. The references to fate and destiny only serve to make the unbelievable social and economic conditions even more appalling than they already are, when people involved in events especially when characters like the scientific Dr. Kennedy cannot comprehend what his own society has become and the detrimental effects it had on human individuals like Yanko.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

God and Peoples Suffering

Technical Terms It is necessary to define some technical terms that will be used in this essay to ensure readers understand them. First, the term god refers to a supreme deity that is worshiped by various religious groups; for instance, Christians refer to this being as God while Muslims call him Allah. Suffering refers to unpleasant events that make human life unbearable.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on God and People’s Suffering specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More They include hunger, diseases, conflicts and death among others. Existence means being able to be seen or felt in different aspects. This essay will use this term to refer to how God manifests himself in the world. Belief refers to strong convictions that something exists or can cause changes in life. The term perfect means an event or being that is incapable of making mistakes and that has never been associated with evil. This includes the nature of supreme beings and their actions. David Hume’s Thesis and Argument This author presents that God does not exist and that is why people suffer. Suffering and benevolence cannot exist and this means that there is no way people will suffer if God existed (Hume 62). Hume argues that most religious teachings portray their supreme deities as benevolent and this contradicts events in real life. He claims that there is no way God will let people to go hungry yet he has everything they need to alleviate their suffering. There is no way a rich parent can allow his children to lack food, shelter and clothes yet he can afford them (Hume 62). Therefore, he questions the existence of God and claims that it is just a religious fallacy meant to deceive believers. His argument presents that people suffer because there is no way they can get assistance from others or a superior being. He believes that people should focus on the meaning of the terms good and bad and they should not be taken for granted (Hume 63). It is necessary to explain that he believes that suffering is bad because it undermines the dignity of human beings. The purpose of creating human beings was to make them enjoy life e and glorify the name of their supreme deities. However, this perception has been proved wrong because people continue to suffer despite the presence of their supreme beings that can offer solutions to their problems (Hudson 91). For instance, Christians believe that they were made in the image and likeness of God, yet they continue suffering without any assistance from their creator. In addition, he argues that morals exist in humans and not any other forms of life. For instance, he argues that animals are never directed by moral teachings that differentiate between bad and good (Hume 64). That is why they do not suffer like humans. He presents that supreme beings are supposed to be wise and understand the needs of their people.Advertising Looking for essay on religion the ology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More However, this has never happened and this makes this author to discredit the fact that supreme beings are capable of alleviating human suffering (Hume 64). Therefore, he argues that mental aspects determine the suffering or pleasure that people experience. Moreover, he argues that people have never understood God’s purpose for the world and this complicates their lives. It is necessary to explain that this author argues that there is unnecessary suffering on earth, yet there is no explanation why this should happen (Hume 65). He presents that if God is omniscient, there is no way he would allow his people to suffer without letting them know the reason for it. This would be a better way of helping them to understand whether suffering is good or bad and its purpose in life. However, people have a limited understanding of the role of suffering in life and this makes it possible for them to believe that there is no god. Lastly, he believes that if suffering is important in human life, then God should reduce its severity and not allow children to experience challenges in life (Hume 66). He argues that people spend a lot of time and money to alleviate their problems and this means that they experience unnecessary challenges that are aimed at final harmony. In addition, the author claims that children suffer out of their free will or abilities and they endure hardships that cannot be explained; moreover, this suffering is a price too high aimed at an unknown final harmony (Hume 67). My Thesis God allows people to suffer so that they can understand and appreciate him (Davis 49). The following reasons justify why there is suffering yet God is powerful and able to alleviate this situation. First, Christians believe that suffering brings them closer to God and that is why He allows them to suffer. They believe that temptations are supposed to ensure people seek God’s assistance and company to endure suffering and overcome various tests they experience in life (Hudson 107). Therefore, this is a good way of ensuring people do not forget their God. Pleasure distracts people from God and makes them think that they do not need assistance from others. Therefore, he allows them to suffer to ensure they seek his assistance regularly and this is a good way of ensuring they do not wander far from Him (Miller 55). This explains why he cannot eliminate suffering from human life.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on God and People’s Suffering specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In addition, suffering has a purpose that must be fulfilled regardless of the prices people pay for this. The role of various religious teachings is to prepare their believers for future roles and this includes being ready to endure suffering. This means that suffering is a right of passage in religious beliefs and nobody is exempted from it (Miller 64). There is no need of trying to find out why people suffer yet God can alleviate this condition. In addition, all human beings are mortals, and this means that they cannot be exempted from suffering. It is necessary to explain that suffering should be perceived to be positive because of the need to ensure religious beliefs play their roles in preparing their believers for future roles. In addition, some people suffer because of their actions and God has no role to play in this case. For instance, a man who drinks all his earnings and fails to take care of his family will subject himself to problems like financial difficulties and unemployment. (Keller 74). People should not blame God for their problems if they do not take care of their lives. People should use their brains and do things that will not affect their lives. They have the freedom to choose between good or bad and this means that they can reduce suffering if they decide to do so (Dav is 66). Staunch believers can alleviate their suffering by using common sense and avoiding things that may expose them to problems. Works Cited Davis, Jim. Why Me? (And Why That’s the Wrong Question): A Godly View of Suffering.  New York: Leafwood Publishers, 2014. Print. Hudson, Emily. Disorienting Dharma: Ethics and the Aesthetics of Suffering in the  Mahabharata (Aar Religions in Translation). Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012. Print. Hume, David. Why does God Let People Suffer? California: Thomson Learning, 2000. Print.Advertising Looking for essay on religion theology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Keller, Timothy. Walking with God through Pain and Suffering. New York: Dutton Adult Press, 2013. Print. Miller, Richard. Suffering and the Christian Life. New York: Orbis Books, 2013. Print. This essay on God and People’s Suffering was written and submitted by user Mina Lester to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Luminol Chemiluminescence Test for Blood

Luminol Chemiluminescence Test for Blood The luminol chemiluminescence reaction is responsible for the glow of lightsticks. The reaction is used by criminalists to detect traces of blood at crime scenes. In this test, luminol powder (C8H7O3N3) is mixed with hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and a hydroxide (e.g., KOH) in a spray bottle. The luminol solution is sprayed where blood might be found. The iron from the hemoglobin in the blood serves as a catalyst for the chemiluminescence reaction that causes luminol to glow, so a blue glow is produced when the solution is sprayed where there is blood. Only a tiny amount of iron is required to catalyze the reaction. The blue glow lasts for about 30 seconds before it fades, which is enough time to take photographs of the areas so they can be investigated more thoroughly. Heres how you can detect blood yourself or demonstrate how to do it: Luminol Materials luminol stock solution (2 g luminol 15 g potassium hydroxide 250 mL water)3% hydrogen peroxide in water (common over-the-counter concentration)potassium ferricyanide or a sterile blood lancet and sterile alcohol pad Performing the Test or Demonstration In a clear test tube or cup, mix 10 ml of the luminol solution and 10 ml of the peroxide solution.You can activate the glow either by adding ~0.1 g of potassium ferricyanide to the solution or with a drop of blood. The blood must be on the alcohol pad. The forensic test is for dried or latent blood, so the reaction between the alcohol and fresh blood is necessary. Notes About the Luminol Test In addition to iron and iron compounds, other substances can catalyze the luminol reaction. Copper and its compounds, horseradish, and bleach also cause the solution to glow. So, you could substitute any of these materials for the drop of blood or potassium ferricyanide in the demonstration. Similarly, the presence of these chemicals at a crime scene affects testing for blood. If a crime scene was washed in bleach, for example, the whole area would glow when sprayed with luminol, making it necessary to use a different test to find traces of blood.If you are doing the reaction as a chemiluminescence demonstration, you can kick the display up a notch by dissolving the potassium ferricyanide in the peroxide solution and using a fractionating column or glass spiral to react the solutions rather than a test tube. You could pour a small amount of fluorescein in the bottom of a flask, pour the potassium ferricyanide solution through the spiral into the flask, and (in a darkened room) finish by adding the luminol solution. The spiral will glow blue as it passes through the column, but the glow will change to bright green once the luminol touches the fluorescein in the flask. Dont drink the luminol solution. Dont get it on your skin or in your eyes. If you prepare a spray bottle of luminol solution to check for traces of blood, keep in mind the solution might be damaging to some surfaces. Thats not a big factor at a crime scene, but its something to keep in mind at home or in class. Dont spray upholstery or clothing or people.The quantities of chemicals yield a super-bright demonstration, but you  can use much less luminol (~50 mg) and still achieve enough luminescence for a demonstration or for crime work. How the Luminol Test Works The iron in the hemoglobin found in blood catalyzes an oxidation reaction in which the luminol gains oxygen atoms while losing nitrogen and hydrogen. This produces a compound called 3-aminophthalate. The electrons in the 3-aminophthalate are in an excited state. Blue light is emitted as energy is released when the electrons return to the ground state. Learn More The luminol test is only one method used to detect blood. The Kastle-Meyer test is a chemical test used to detect extremely small quantities of blood. If you have leftover potassium ferricyanide, you can use it to grow naturally red crystals. Although the chemical name sounds scary, with the cyanide word in it, its actually a very safe chemical to use.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Rehab Centers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Rehab Centers - Essay Example Drug and alcohol rehab programs are beneficial for the addicts in many ways through which individuals can not only become complete again but can live their lives to its fullest without any support from drugs or alcohol. Drug rehabs have three benefits that can be categorized as physical, emotional and mental. Drug addicts do a great harm to their physical being as they become weak internally and externally. The drug rehab programs can help them in letting go of their need of drugs which can help them recover internally such as better food digestion which can lead to becoming strong externally as well. It is also commonly seen that many individuals take drugs to hide their emotions. Drug rehab programs can help them to get in touch with those feelings and emotions although the journey is difficult but as the time progresses these individuals can again feel happy, and friendly that can heal them from the inside. The greatest benefit that rehab program can offer an individual is the peace of mind. Certain drugs are very harmful to the mind causing increased levels of anxiety and paranoia in them because of which they cannot think clearly. Rehab centers can help in overcoming this through their treatme nt programs and help them function better mentally such as making logical decisions and seeing things differently as opposed to drug addict view. Like the drug rehab centers, alcohol rehab centers can also help the individuals with alcoholism. The first benefit is that choice of choosing your own program: inpatient or outpatient program, depending on the severity of the problem. Mostly people opt for inpatient programs as they can get support at every point giving them more hope of getting rid of the problem. The second benefit of the alcohol rehab programs is the socialization of individuals with others like themselves who are in the same position giving them more support and strength to

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Teva and Sandoz court case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Teva and Sandoz court - Case Study Example eral Rule of Civil Procedure 52 (a) (6), the Court of appeals ‘must not..set aside ‘a district court’s findings of fact unless that are clearly erroneous. In the case of Anderson v. Bessemer City, 470 U.S 564, 574, the case does not make any exceptions or exclude any category of facts from the appeals’ obligation. The rule is applicable to both ultimate and subsidiary facts and thus district court sitting without a jury should not decide factual issues de novo. In the case of Markman V. Westview Instruments Inc, 517 U.S 370, the court held that the ultimate question of claim construction is for the judge and not the jury and thus it did not set up an exception from the ordinary rule on appellate review of factual matters. The ‘clear error’ is thus important as the district court that has listened to the case has a better opportunity to gain ‘familiarity’ with the scientific principles or problems. Sandoz argued that separating ‘factual’ from ‘legal’ questions may be difficult and thus it was simpler for the appellate court to review the entire district court’s claim construction de novo that apply the two separate standards. However, the courts have been able to separate the factual from legal matters as evidenced in the case of Options of Chicago Inc v Kaplan, 514 U.S 938. The Supreme Court in a 7-2 majority held when reviewing District’s Court resolution of subsidiary factual matters made in the course of construction of the patent claim, the Federal Circuit must apply a ‘clear error’ and not the de novo standard of review. Justice Stephen Breyer outlined that Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 52 (a) (6) established the ‘clear erroneous’ standard without any exceptions and thus it was not necessary to create an exception to the standard in the case. The court pointed that construction of patent claim is a factual determination and thus must be guided by well-established standards. According to the judgment, an appellate court

Monday, November 18, 2019

EMs education program for a community based on EMS related issues Essay

EMs education program for a community based on EMS related issues within the community - Essay Example Such areas are majorly faced by the EMS problem of disease outbreak. These areas are constantly faced with malaria outbreak thus high mortality rate of both children and adults. Accessing health facilities is a problem to such people because of the following reasons. Poverty level, poor transport, poor communication. Unless health facilities and governments come up with long lasting strategies to avert the situation, then the nationals in such areas continue to suffer more and more. The community education program that can be employed to avert the above situation of malaria epidemic is first to develop, collect and disseminate the necessary information on the importance of good health to individuals and the importance of living in clean environment. In this case, professionals trained in the field of medicine should be given the first priority to undertake the exercise. The training programs should also be made affordable and accessible so as to achieve the entire goal. There are some established communities agencies which I can well involve myself in and provide the program. These agencies are either private or public but with a common goal of providing quick response to any medical care in a certain community. These agencies include NHTSA. This agency has been leading for the past forty years in the provision of a system approach to emergency medical services in various communities. Volunteers and other trained medical personnel have teamed up in the past to provide much assistance to these communities. NEMSIS (National Emergency Medical Services Information System) is another cooperative agency in the same ( Brenna, pg. 60). Research shows that there few developed programs designed to provide emergency medical services. This is due to some challenges faced such as lack of adequate trained personnel to conduct such services, slow response to cases of emergency in rural

Friday, November 15, 2019

Starbucks Success Business

Starbucks Success Business Starbucks first established in the year of 1971. There have three partners who are English teacher Jerry Baldwin, history teacher Zev Siege, and writer Gordon Bowker had expanded their first store named as Starbucks Coffee, Tea and Pike Place which locate in Seattles Pike Place Market. They were analyzing that each invest $1350 and they had borrowed $5000 from bank to hold the company of Starbucks. (Starbucks Corporation Company Background 1999) According to (Yahoo! Answers History Starbucks 2007), Alfred Peet had encourage them to open the store of Starbucks, so Alfred Peet was the first merchandise of green coffee that selling to them, so Starbucks is started to sell the high-quality coffee beans and equipment. However, they were suggesting changing their transaction object into growers of the coffee bean when they found out who the growers are. After few ten years, Starbucks could be a successful coffeehouse company with essential operation business in products and services, manag ement style, and marketing target. In 1982, Howard Schultz joins Starbucks. He was impressed by the popularity and culture of espresso bars in Milan, and therefore saw the establishment potential in Seattle. It was a success. In 1990s, Starbucks expands beyond Seattle, first to the rest of the United States, then the entire world. In 1996 Starbucks opened its first overseas store in Tokyo, Japan. Starbucks had to be well-known brand in the world with more than 13,000 stores in 39 countries. After becoming one of the first companies to offer stock options to its part-time employees, Starbucks becomes a publicly traded company. With the background of Starbucks Corporation, It was named as a name of character in a novel ‘Moby-Dick. Starbucks had owning 7,521 self-operated store and 5,647 licensed stores in 39 countries around the world. Beside that, when customer having their order at Starbucks, they are able to enjoying their order with an entertainment. Through the Starbucks Entertainment division and Hear Music brand, the company has ventured beyond the refreshments into books, music, and film and other. Refer to (HP, about Starbucks Coffee Company 2007), Starbucks Coffeehouse Company had business as leading retailer, roaster and brand of specialty coffee that they have expand more than 6000 retail locations in countries such as North and South American, Europe and so on. Starbucks has always provided the products which are the best coffee and fitness coffee experience offering to customer. Besides the quality of products, they also provide services as awesome environment, entertainment and social. What specially produce by Starbucks? There have drinks and foods serves out by Starbucks which are hot drinks such as drip brewed coffee, espresso-, hot chocolate and so on where the non-espresso-based drinks include tea, and ice-blended drinks. Starbucks also are offering foods to customer that includes pastries, sandwiches and salads. Besides drinks and foods, Starbucks has sales product to consumer such as coffee mugs and other paraphernalia that related to coffee beans. Comfortable environment offer to customer when they having their order in Starbucks with an entertainment. Types of entertainment are including music, books, films and other. (Wikipedia, Starbucks 2007) Specialty products of Starbucks are one successful key in business. According to . (Starbucks Corporation Product Line 1999)Starbucks stores serve a variety of very expensive and sweet drinks to customer. May be much of people have thinking that Starbucks products are quite expensive to purchase and only for rich family, but Starbucks have determined in their business plan, because they emphasize that the products they are produce are ever in quality and best. They are brewed coffees that will change in weekly to maintain their quality standard. Starbucks has expanding their various products due to season. Talent brewed by Starbucks such as cappuccinos has made with ‘dry, ‘wet, ‘extra hot, ‘soy, and ‘organic. Nowadays, ‘Frappuccino is high demand products offer by customer which that is combination with ‘frappe and ‘cappuccino, that have few types of Frappuccino such as Frappuccino blended beverage, Frappuccino Light blended beverage, F rappuccino Juice Blended with real fruit juice and ‘Power Frappuccino with nutrition as protein, carbohydrates, and vitamins. Other drinks like Tea have included â€Å"Chai Tea Latte†, a combination of black tea, exotic spices, honey, and milk; ‘Double shot as espresso drinks. In other way, foods of Starbucks cannot belittle, they are offering fresh breakfast as sandwiches, pastries, salads and other foods item like ice-cream, juices, and bottled water. As explain in easy ways, Starbucks is almost selling all the drinks are related to coffee beans. Besides products of Starbucks, services are also the element of successful businesses. One service of Starbucks is analyzed as ‘The Third Place. Meaning of ‘The Third Place is other place beside home and work. In the cafà © of Starbucks, they have provided outfitted with stuffed chairs and tables with hard backed chairs. These could upper-class of environment to comfort the customer. In the service, Starbucks has provide free electricity for customer and also wireless internet connection, so any customer who dont have internet service at home, Starbucks could allowed them come through surf net their laptop and have online. Starbucks is a common place for businessman to having their business and transaction with client, because of awesome environment and best quality of coffee. Starbucks has always provided fresh air and aroma in environmental. According to (Wikipedia, Starbucks 2007), Starbucks Company has noted a policy as ‘non-smoking in almost in all of their st ores, but this policy has never establish in countries such as Germany, Vienna and Mexico City. In such countries, Starbucks has smoking room for them normally on upstairs of outlet. The reason of smoking banned is because of the coffee aroma will be affect by smoke and no more adulterated. ‘The third Place is generally state by Starbucks to provide the personal entertainment where can fulfill the customer in their tea-time and they can have enjoyable with the music and magazine provided. There were many entertainments that provided in Starbucks store. Starbucks Entertainment was mostly selects the best in music, books and film to offer Starbucks customers the opportunity to discover quality entertainment in a fun and convenient way as part of their daily coffee routines. According to (Starbucks Company Profile 2007), Partnership of Starbucks has made an entertainment that may impact the entertainment industry with the music, labels and filmmakers. In provide additional entertainment to customer, Starbucks Entertainment has teamed with other corporation to create a iTunes store online, this could offering to customer in buying, download and preview the Starbucks entertainment such as music title and specially created play lists in a convenient online music buying experience. Starbucks has a successful image with their greater management style, but they will also incoming managerial problem. Starbucks has tried their best to increase market share of the non-coffee drinker. As people know, Starbucks is one of the most successful and admired companies in the world. Starbucks has grown from a single coffee shop in Seattle 33 years ago to 5,945 outlets in United States and 2,392 more in 28 countries. SWOT analysis is an analysis of the organizations strength, weakness, opportunity and threat that might lead to a restructure and successful solution to its internal and external problems. (SWOT Analysis Starbucks 2000) In the strength analysis, as people know, Starbucks Corporation is well-known coffeehouse in the world; of course Starbucks is making profitable business every year. According to (SWOT Analysis Starbucks Strength 2000), Starbucks has made a profit in excess of $600 million from sales of $5000 million in year 2004. Beside that, Reputation of Starbucks has built up because of the quality of products and services and also their market is going to everywhere has human lives in the world with almost 9000 cafes in 40 countries. In additional, Starbucks mention that they have a strong ethical value to a role of environmental leadership in their business that could effect to customer enjoyable and comfortable. Last strength for Starbucks is a respected employer that values its workforce, because of in the year 2005 Starbucks was one of the Fortune Top 100 Companies to Work For. Even though Starbucks has a lot of strength, but it still have such of weaknesses need to aware in business. Referr ing to (SWOT Analysis Starbucks Weaknesses 2000), To attract new customer, Starbucks has always produce creativity new specialty product but they emphasize that their innovation of new products may be stumble over time, so they need to develop another new product when previous products is outdated. Next weaknesses will be analyze is Starbucks has much dependant on the main competitive advantage, if other competitor has similar advantage to customer, Starbucks may getting risk in their business operation. Other weakness is the retail of coffee could slow the process of send into other sectors. Starbucks has over concern their business in the home market at United State of American with over three quarter of their stores; they should spread out more of their market to other countries. Furthermore, in opportunities analysis, Starbucks are always appreciating their opportunity coming, because they believe it will advantage to them. According to (SWOT Analysis Starbucks Opportunities 2000), Starbucks Company has created a service that customers can create their own music CD by using CD-Burning. This service has expanding in 2004 in one of their store ‘Santa Monica cafà © with Hewlett Packard. Besides, Starbucks has an opportunity that expands their new markets for coffee to India and the Pacific Rim nations for the beginning step. The company has retail their new products and services in their store which are Fair Trade and so on. Starbucks has taking their good opportunity to co-branding with other manufacturers and brand franchising to manufacturers to transmission drinks and foods; products and services. Furthermore, there has some threat that Starbucks would be taking. According to (SWOT Analysis Starbucks Threat 2000) Starbucks are suggesting to rises the cost of the coffee and other products. Besides that, Starbucks has never know what will be occur in the future, whether demand on coffee will be upward or other substitute beverage would be replace to coffee. Who can know the future? At last, Starbucks are successful on their business with conception in Pike Place Market since 1971, but its could also create much of competitors and copy cat refer to their talent of operation, may be the businesses would compete by other company in future. Besides planning strategy, human resources management is also the reason of Starbucks to be successful company. The value of Starbucks employees have acknowledge by the company. According to (Starbucks Company Profile 2007), Starbucks has more than 145000 employees which work about part-time or full-time in their entire cafà © and store. Average of Starbucks employees are 26 years old. Starbucks Company is providing the benefit package that includes healthcare benefits and stock option grants through Bean Stock to the employees. The chairman of Starbucks Schultz state that ‘They have the most knowledgeable workforce in their industry. Schultz emphasize that number of store they were opened is not main point, but they are concerned to growth and development of the employees. Furthermore, Schultz believed that their people are a core of successful reason. Employees have to know the basic knowledge as communication skill, ideas, commitment and connection that provide to customer. They would send employees to participate the training and development program. Every new employee will have at least 24 hours training time in first two to four weeks. There have six types of training included classes on history guide of Starbucks, drinks and foods preparation, knowledge in coffee, customer services provide to customer, retail skills of products, and a workshop called ‘Brewing the Perfect Cup. Each of training has to consume for 4 hour. (Starbucks Corporation Employee Training 1999) On-the-job training to employees of Starbucks has include employees has to maintain and self-improve from the job; listen and acknowledge; and can ask for help from their peer or coworker.Beside that, staffing of Starbucks, can only be two to four partners includes Assistant Manager or store manager in one stores. Any employee who completed the Coffee Master course can be high standing and known as ‘Coffee Master in other words is manager of Starbucks. Certification could be t aking from several tests. That is depending on how professional of employees in tasting, growing, roasting and purchasing of the products and services. Coffee Master has worn black aprons whereas normal employees are wearing standard green aprons. (Wikipedia, Starbucks 2007) Last element of successful key is the target marketing of Starbucks. To be maximizing their market, Starbucks has establish geographic expansion strategy in 1992 and 1993 that they has focus in a targeted area, this is because that has more convenience connection between stores and build up an infrastructure that is link together with the branches store. Starbucks would like to selected a large city to serve as a hub; teams of professionals were located in hub cities to support the goal of opening more and more again stores in the target region. Once the stores plant in entire hub areas, additional stores were slowly to spreading to other area as opened smaller surrounding the hub region area to widely area. (Starbucks Corporation The Store Expansion Strategy 1999) Starbucks has doing market research such as survey; questionnaire and observation by using ‘Customer Relationship Management to ensure the expectation of customer. As the information they have concern are about dimension of segmentation will be demographics include age and household status of customer to having their products. They are selected married couples age 25 54 with children to be their primary target market. According to the research, they found that these households spend more than other households on non-alcoholic beverages away from home. They are trying to consume the product to child with the coffee-free Frappuccino. Starbucks has also implement a strategy with some event to encourage parents buying a Frappuccino to their child as free game of soccer victory and even a trip to family on holiday. They expect that this could influence to child purchasing decision and always in the childs mind remain until when they are mature. (Starbucks: â€Å"The Non-Coffee Tre at† Segmentation n.d) In other of marketing planning of Starbucks is goes international. Starbucks can be well-known and making profitable business is depend on their market in other 39 countries. Nowadays, Starbucks has located many branch stores to international. According to (Starbucks Company Profile 2007) Time series of the Starbucks opened are following: The first branches that Starbucks opened in overseas were in 1996 which store in Tokyo, Japan and after store in Singapore. Year 1997: Philippines; Year 1998: U.K., Taiwan, Thailand, New Zealand and Malaysia; Year 1999: Beijing, Kuwait, South Korea and Lebanon; Year 2000: United Arab Emirates, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Australia, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and Bahrain; Year 2001: Switzerland and Austria; Year 2002: Oman, Germany, Spain Mexico, Puerto Rico, Macau and Shenzhen, Greece and Indonesia; Year 2003: Turkey, Peru, Chile and Cyprus; Year 2004: France; Year 2005: Jordan, Bahamas and Ireland; Year 2006: Brazil and Egypt; Year 2007: Romania. Structure of Starbucks is also their market strategy that could attract the customer because of specialty building. According to (Starbucks Corporation Real Estate, Store Design, Store Planning, and Construction 1999), Starbucks had began to create their own structure of building starting from year 1991, they are build up an own in-house team of architects and designers to modified their building. They analyze that every stores has convey right image and characteristics. In different places, they would design different structure of building to coordinate to environment. Stores had to be custom-designed because Starbucks didnt buy real estate and build its own freestanding structures; rather, each space was leased in an existing structure and thus each store differed in size and shape. Most stores were located in office buildings, downtown and suburban retail centers, airport terminals, university campus areas, or busy neighborhood shopping areas convenient to pedestrian foot traffic. According to (Starbucks Company Profile 2007), Starbucks has many competitors, where the two largest competitors are Dunkin Donuts and Krispy Kreme, direct competitors such as fast food stores McDonalds and Burger King etc. and some small coffee shop. From the case, Starbucks is tried to push forward some and upgrade to different element compare to competitors. To ensure further market growth and be competitive, Starbucks is developing new products for non-coffee drinkers; they are producing the latest Frappuccino such as Java Chip Frappuccino, Double Chocolate Chip Frappuccino, Strawberries Crà ¨me Frappuccino, and Cafà © Vanilla Frappuccino. Starbucks is taking a good competitive advantage to customer comparing to their competitors. They have several important points to maximize their customer by using brand experience, brand quality, guarantee health on product, and convenient access. In conclusion, people are recognizing Starbucks Coffeehouse Corporation is one of very successful businesses in the world. As reason of successful, Starbucks has mention that their businesses arent just for drinks and foods, but their main business purpose is to undertaking in an emotional experience of their operation. Beside that, they are guarantee the quality of their products and services and enjoyable environmental that could create a loyal customer. They also perceive the health of coffees to the customer and never affect to their healthy. Somewhere there has people to living; Starbucks would locate a store to those places. In many locations Starbucks offers drive-thru windows, which are more convenient then its competitors. Reference Answer 2007, Why has starbucks gotten so famous and how? where waz the first starbucks made?, Retrieved: 11 A5 Consulting group n.d., Starbucks: â€Å"The Non-Coffee Treat†, Retrieved: 25 August 2007 from Isidro, I 2006, Learning from Starbucks: 10 Lessons for Small Businesses, Retrieved: 22 August 2007 from Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P 2007, About Starbucks coffee Company, Retrieved: 13 November 2007 from Marketing Teacher Ltd 2000, SWOT Analysis Starbucks, Retrieved: 20 August 2007 from Starbucks Coffee 2007, Company Profile, Retrieved: 13 November 2007 from The McGraw-Hill Companies 1999, Starbucks Corporation, Retrieved: 23 August 2007 from Wikimedia Foundation, Inc 2007, Starbucks, Retrieved: 14 November 2007 from

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Magnetic Fields of Stationary Magnets :: physics science magnet magnetic field

Missing figures/equations My goal in writing this paper is two fold. Goal one is to try and understand how a stationary magnet exerts force by means of a magnetic field (even across a complete vacuum). Frequently, electromagnetic fields are compared to the gravitational field. Goal two is to explore the similarities between the two types of fields to see if comparison throws any light on the mechanism of magnetic field generation. The term action-at-a-distance is often used to describe forces that travel through space and exert their effect without directly touching the objects acted upon. Newton's idea of instantaneous action-at-a-distance has been replaced by the modern action-at-a-distance which is transmitted at the speed of light so as to avoid conflict with Relativity Theory (Hoyle and Narlikar 1974). The term "field theory" either replaces action-at-a-distance or is used as the means by which action-at-a-distance transmits force. In this paper "field" will represent the means of transmitting forces such as electromagnetism and gravity, avoiding the need for the term action-at-a-distance. Magnetic fields are frequently compared to gravitational fields. Gravitational fields cause a curvature of space-time. That curvature of space-time provides a mechanism for the gravitational attraction between masses. A magnet also causes a curvature of space-time. In fact a magnet can cause space-time curvature in several distinct ways.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Misconception of African Americans Essay

Since the beginning of time African Americans have been viewed negatively. We have always been viewed as a threat to society and frowned upon by many races. There are many cliches displayed in the media of what African Americans are supposed to act like. These conclusions cause almost immediate negative feelings from other races and sometimes by our own race. African American females in television shows and movies are often shown as the loud â€Å"ghetto† acting, angry black girl who is always â€Å"telling someone off†. Actor Tyler Perry has been criticized for illustrating African American females as â€Å"big momma†, another negative portrayal of black women. Other times shapely video vixens cause other black females to be portrayed as â€Å"jump-offs† or gold diggers. African American males have even greater judgments to overcome. They are viewed as a menace to society. They are illustrated as wild, angry, dangerous â€Å"gang bangers†. Black men are viewed as absentee fathers or abusive husbands. Although, in some cases, African American males do possess some of these characteristics, there are just as many black men that are positive role models. These ignorant judgments are called stereotypes. A stereotype is defined as â€Å"a widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing†. Stereotypes, in my own words, are judgments blindly made by people who use ignorance as an excuse to be biased against those who are different from them. There are many different types of stereotyping. Racial stereotyping, sexist stereotyping, stereotypes about cultures, and sexual orientation stereotypes are all judgments that can affect one’s life in many ways. Stereotypes are, sadly, made by everyone. Racial stereotyping, however, is the most common type of stereotyping, and can sometimes be dangerous. The Trayvon Martin story, for example, is a situation where stereotyping turned tragic. Trayvon Martin was a young African American boy who was walking from the store with nothing but Skittles and a drink in his pockets. Because of his race, and the stereotype of what black Males are capable of, he was targeted, and tragically killed. There have been many similar cases of dangerous stereotyping. People’s fear of what the media shows we are suited to do, has gotten out of control. Too many of us are dying because of this fear. While many stereotypes do seem to be believable, people like Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, my grandparents, and my mom allow me to realize that not all stereotypes are true.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Translanguaging in the Bilingual Classroom A Pedagogy for Learning and Teaching Article

Translanguaging in the Bilingual Classroom A Pedagogy for Learning and Teaching Article Content of the Article The article â€Å"Translanguaging in the Bilingual Classroom: A pedagogy for Learning and Teaching† by Creese Angela and Blackledge Adrian discusses bilingual pedagogy based on the assumptions on Gujarati and Chinese language schools within the United Kingdom by Cummins.Advertising We will write a custom article sample on Translanguaging in the Bilingual Classroom: A Pedagogy for Learning and Teaching Article specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The authors are comprehensive in the aspects of language ecology and how complementary schools balance bilingual pedagogy. Among the key issues identified in the article is a smart division of the languages into two way education. The process should involve translation and rapid separation between the fist language and the second language which should be treated as independent. As it is a research article, quantitative methodology provides a reliable and quantifiable result on the position of flexible translanguaging as part of bilingual pedagogy. The study consists of five parts which yield same results. Among the benefits of flexible pedagogy and flexible bilingualism identified by the authors are ease of communication and preservation of culture, indiscrimination of second language and simultaneous ‘literacies’ endorsement as students participating in bilingual translanguaging are assured of preserved identity in the process of acquiring education. As a result, the authors recommend assimilating of translanguaging in the curriculum to promote appreciation of world culture and making the learning process more accommodative to minority cultures. The article proposes a complete bilingual education as a form of instructional education where information is presented to learners in more than one language. Any system of education applying two or more languages in educational physiology can be termed as a bilingual presentational system. Advertising Looking for article on languages? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Relevance of the Article Based on the connation presented above, it can be stated that most programs in modern schools are bilingual at the least literal sense. The only difference in use lies in the degree and multitude under which it is applied and actively recognized by policy makers and reformers in the education system in their proactive reorganization for relevance and non discriminative reforms. Bilingualism is a strong policy for resistance to assimilation and cultural extinction. Though young minority group members face a difficulty relating to fluent English speaking majority, they have a chance to present a lot in terms of diverse and preserved cultural background associated with unique pride which can be maintained, while at the same time, they have a chance to learn English effortlessly as a tool for interaction with the mainst ream culture. This article supports bilingual education system because the world is becoming a global village. It is desirable for United Kingdom to be counted as part of this talent pool. Perceived threat to the mainstream English language is just a speculative opinion as natural language changes if well integrated in modern communication tendencies. This article dwells on flexible translanguaging which touches on identity, culture, appreciation of diversity, and simplification of the learning process. The issues identified in this article are critical in balancing mainstream language with second language in a bilingual education environment. Reflection on the Article Translanguaging policy guarantees that minority students participate in meaningful learning process irrespective of the different language backgrounds.Advertising We will write a custom article sample on Translanguaging in the Bilingual Classroom: A Pedagogy for Learning and Teaching Article specifically for y ou for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Minority language speaking groups are also put in a fair position to access education curriculum made available to English speaking peers, through affirmative action steps consisting of a complete bilingual instructional manual and English teaching methods limited to optional modules. All forms of bilingual education should be concurrently applied in the system to benefit both the native speaking minority students, often referred to as English Language Learners, and their peers who, in the end, will both grasp the educational curriculum concepts while acquiring another language for future creative multilingual use. To understand cultural orientation of the increasing Chinese and Gujarati speaking minority, most high schools in the United Kingdom have developed formal requirements for all student to grasp at least a secondary language offered in courses running for almost two years taught in flex. Besides, while it is a reality that operating bilingual classrooms is very expensive, it is the best alternative for effective methodology to relate curriculum to students with limited English proficiency. This is an inverse of an immersion system which discriminates students with poor understanding of single English language. Therefore, the article is accurate in recommending accommodative and inclusive education system that supports policy based on bilingual pedagogy. Conclusively, the authors have identified several benefits of integrating translanguaging among the young learners in the minority communities of the United Kingdom. However, the main challenge remains the unbalanced and informal integration of bilingual pedagogy in formal learning institutions in areas that are occupied by minority communities speaking English as a second language.Advertising Looking for article on languages? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

How to Jumpstart Your Career in Education

How to Jumpstart Your Career in Education Maybe you’re looking for your career path in general, and think that you’d be well-suited to working in a classroom. Or maybe you already work in an educational role, and are feeling a little stagnant. Either way, it’s time for your next step, and we’ve got the tips and information you need to move on in your educational career. What Do Educational Professionals Do?You probably know that educators teach. They also plan, manage, coach, administer, organize, troubleshoot, advise, and assist. Whether working with the tiniest of preschoolers or the elderly woman going back to finish her degree, educators can be found in many different types and levels of schooling. Before you take your first (or next) step in the education world, it’s important to see what’s out there.Primary/Elementary LevelAt the early childhood education/elementary school level, there are many different kinds of roles available. There are classroom teachers, of course, but als o different kinds of staff that contribute to the overall running of the school.Preschool teacher- These are classroom educators who work with young children (pre-kindergarten).Elementary school teacher- These teachers work with students from kindergarten through approximately grade 5 (depending on the school).Paraprofessional/teaching assistant- These are classroom aides who work with teachers on classroom maintenance, lessons, and administrative tasks.Administrator- Principal, vice principal, superintendent, or other administrative leadership positionSubstitute teacher- This is a floating teacher who covers other teachers’ absences.Reading/literacy specialist- This is an educator who works on reading comprehension and development directly with students.Special education teacher- These educators work with students who have special physical or emotional education needs.Secondary LevelAt the secondary level, educators work with middle and high school students. Teachers are oft en subject-matter specific (math, science, history, language arts, etc.) and specialize in specific student areas.Middle school teacher- These teachers work with students from approximately grades 6 through 8 (depending on the school). Rather than teach multiple disciplines in a single classroom, these teachers often specialize in subject matter (reading/language arts, history, math, science, etc.)High school teacher- These teachers work with students from approximately grades 9 through 12 (depending on the school). Rather than teach multiple disciplines in a single classroom, these teachers often specialize in subject matter (reading/language arts, history, math, science, etc.)Administrator- These are principals, vice principals, superintendents, or other administrative leadership positions.Substitute teacher- This is a floating teacher who covers other teachers’ absences.Foreign language teacher- These are teachers who specialize in teaching languages other than English.Rea ding/literacy specialist- This is an educator who works on reading comprehension and development directly with students.Special education teacher- These educators work with students who have special physical or emotional education needs.Educational SupportNot all educators or educational staff are found in the classroom. These professionals work at schools in support roles.Counselor- These are professionals who can advise students on personal matters, or help them with academic plans and progress.School librarian- These professionals manage a school’s library (also sometimes known as media centers), and work with students on reading and research.ESL teacher- These are classroom teachers who work with students who speak a language other than English as their primary languageCollege/Postsecondary LevelThere are many educational career opportunities at the college level as well. Educators can work at community colleges, colleges and universities, allied health schools, professio nal colleges, and online schools/programs.Adjunct professor- These are teachers and lecturers who may teach classes and work for the school on a part-time or non-tenure basis.Associate Professor/Professor- These are educators who teach in specific disciplines as full employees of a college or university. They are often subject matter experts with experience in advanced academics or real-world applications of the field.Administrator- Colleges and universities are often large bodies, with many different departments and programs. Administrators work in education, but are often more behind the scenes to make sure programs are developed, budgeted, maintained, and running smoothly.How Much Do Educators Get Paid?Salary and benefits for educational jobs depend on many different factors: what the role is, where you’re located, the level of education needed at an entry level, and how much experience the person already has. It can vary, but here are some example median salaries for job s in the field, per PayScale:Elementary School Teacher: $43,697Middle School Teacher: $45,879High School Teacher: $48,072Preschool Teacher: $29,592Special Education Teacher: $45,011ESL Teacher: $40,658School Counselor: $48,217Administrator, Elementary and Secondary School: $67,202Paraprofessional: $18,339Adjunct Professor, College: $30,313Professor, College: $85,697School Librarian/Media Center Specialist: $45,388How Do I Become an Educator?Just about all of the roles outlined above require specialized education before you can start a job. In some cases, you can finish your degree after you start working (for example, you can finish a Master’s while teaching in some states), but in most cases a four-year degree or a program-specific certificate is a baseline necessity to become a teacher or an administrator at any education level.Each state also has its own requirements for certifying educators, particularly teachers and paraprofessionals. Many states require teachers to pass exams like the Praxis before they are fully certified. Some states, like New York and Texas, have their own state-specific exams as well. So once you’ve decided to go into the educational field, it’s important to check with your state’s Department of Education to see what kind of certification will be required for the role you want.How Do I Get the Education Job I Want?Once you’ve got your degree, maybe done an internship, and passed your certification with flying colors, you still have a very important hurdle: the job hunt. The educational job hunt isn’t too different from the application processes you’ve seen before, although you can expect to face extra-thorough background checks, particularly if you’re looking for a job on the elementary or secondary school level.Get Your Resume In ShapeAs with any job hunt, you want your resume to be stellar and attention-catching for all the right reasons. If you’re already in the field, you’ll want to emphasize your experience. If you’re just starting out, don’t hesitate to include any volunteer experience. For examples of teaching resumes for reference as you craft your own, click here.Write Your Cover LetterAlthough education has gone as digital as many other industries, you can really make your application package stand out with a great cover letter. It’s your chance to add context to your resume, and give the reader a stronger sense of who you are, and what you’d bring to your job in education. For examples of educator cover letters, click here.The Bottom LineIf you’re considering a career in education, it could be a great option because it’s a field where you can build skills and take them with you to the next step. And there are always paths for moving up. Say you start as a paraprofessional, and decide you want to pursue life in the classroom, so you become a teacher. A few years later, you decide you want to work in a more administrative role, so you start looking at vice principal jobs. The skills and experience you’ve built along the way make you a seasoned professional with valuable expertise.Similarly, there are plenty of outlets if you decide that a certain segment of education just isn’t for you. If teaching third graders isn’t what you thought it would be, maybe you can take your science whiz skills to a middle school Earth Science classroom, or teach chemistry at the local community college. There are so many options available that you can make a varied, satisfying career in education that works best for your skills and your goals.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Curriculum Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Curriculum - Essay Example These include the â€Å"explosion of technology, recession, public sector innovation, and new commitment to attain standards† (23). In a gist, the authors foresee the growing demand for public schools to maximize funding and resources while attaining their goals at the same time. The three forms of schooling that Hill and Johnston have observed and foresee to be the new direction for public schools are virtual, hybrid and broker schools. Virtual schools are those that offer online courses where students get access to education through computer technology; hybrid schools are schools that combine fulltime, contractual and technology-driven instructors, whereas broker schools are schools that hire teachers on a contractual or pay-per-course basis. The implications of these different school forms to curriculum and instruction are tremendous. As the authors provide, there will be flexible hours of schooling, lesser tasks among school leaders and teachers, and a wider coverage of in struction. However, the authors overlook the point that the transformation may greatly impact the quality of instruction to be provided. Basically, individual monitoring may be less, thus assessment of individual needs and success will be inadequate. Moreover, the transformation might neglect students with special needs, thus making NCLB efforts in vain. Work Cited Hill, Paul and Johnston, Michael.

Friday, November 1, 2019

The theory of Financial Repression and its Application in Economies of Essay

The theory of Financial Repression and its Application in Economies of Different Countries - Essay Example This essay describes the concept of financial repression, and illustrate the mechanism of its action, using the cases of different countries. The studies conducted by experts confirm that the restrictions imposed on the financial sectors of these two countries have indeed negatively impact on their respective economies giving credence to the McKinnon-Shaw hypothesis. Financial repression must have been fundamentally influenced by Keynesian economics as well as provoked by the instability of the early 20th century events. Financial repression is underpinned by the theory that the state should intervene in financial matters to ensure lesser demand for money that should be channeled instead to the capital/labour sector. It was McKinnon and Shaw, who called attention of the world to the negative effects of such practices. Their hypothesis recommended the liberalisation of the financial sectors from such restrictions to stop stagnation and initiate economic growth. They asserted that financial repression causes economic stagnation and that countries must therefore liberalise their financial sectors. This assertion is confirmed by other studies and models as well. Nonetheless, a number of cases exists that point to a contrary finding such as the cases of Korea and Malaysia that were both placed under financial repression in the 1980s to avert financial collapse. This paper presented the cases of India and China, both of which are considered emerging global super economies, where the provisions of the theory proved to be accurate. ... The existence of financial repression can be deduced from the presence of the following factors: unsystematic distortions in financial prices such as interest and exchange rates; interest rates with ceiling caps and nominal interest at fixed rates, which lead to low or even negative real interest rates; high reserve ratios; guided credit programmes, and; ineffective credit rationing (Bhole 16). Gupta (2004), however, narrowed down the elements of financial repression into interest rate ceilings, high reserve requirements and compulsory credit allocation. The consequences of these intermediary measures are: the implementation of high reserve and liquidity ratio for the purpose of easing budget deficits forcing banks to hold government bonds and money; private bond and equity markets remain undeveloped because of the difficulty of getting government money from private securities, and; government measures adopted to discourage private financial entities from competing with the public se ctor and to spur low-cost investment characterise the banking sector with interest rate caps (2). Financial repression is an economic tool usually employed by developing countries and was popular before the last quarter of the 20th century. It was said to be a knee-jerk reaction to the events of the first half of that century. History shows that the first half of the 20th century was blighted by two financial catastrophic events: the Wall Street Crash in 1929, and; the Great Depression, which was instigated by the Crash. These two events were themselves thought to be two of the underpinning reasons for the outbreak of WWII. The lesson that these events brought was that command economies were more stable and that the state can take the

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Application of the Henderson Nursing Model from a Holistic Perspective Article

Application of the Henderson Nursing Model from a Holistic Perspective - Article Example Application of the Henderson Nursing Model from a Holistic Perspective Virginia Henderson was an advanced woman of her time. By 1934 she had earned both her Bachelors of Nursing and her Masters Degree in Nursing Education and was well on her way towards making one of the biggest changes in nursing history. In an era where nurses were starting to be appreciated for more than their ability to change dressings, Henderson’s work on a theory of nursing was the right move at the right time in history (â€Å"Nursing Theory,† 2011). Henderson’s Nursing Model Henderson is known as a â€Å"needs theorist† (Kim & Kollak, 2006, p.17). Her prime theory was centered on the idea that a nurse’s position was to help the individual to gain their own independence. This lent a flexibility to the nursing model; an idea that a nurse could be many things to the same patient. Henderson put it as â€Å"assisting the individual, sick or well, in the performance of those act ivities contributing to the health or its recovery (or to a peaceful death) that he would perform unaided if he had the necessary strength, will or knowledge; And to do this in such a way as to help him gain independence as rapidly as possible† (1961, p. 42). ... She was also a strong proponent for the idea that the nurse’s obligation and duty is to the patient rather than the doctor which was a prevalent belief prior to that time. Nicholl (1997) wrote about her â€Å"Henderson’s definition of nursing was a major shift from the task-procedure perspective and one of the earliest widely used definitions to present a conceptualization of nursing that included function and goal† (p.509). Henderson viewed a nurses function as being either substitutive (doing something instead of the patient); supplementary (helping the patient directly to do something) or complementary (working with the patient to do something). This way the patient had a certain control over how his or her treatment went; with the nurse identified as someone who can facilitate that process (â€Å"Nursing Theory†, 2011). This emphasis on the patient having some control over his or her health and treatment is one aspect that resonates with holistic healt h practices. Holistic Medicine and the Henderson Nursing Model Holistic medicine is defined as a â€Å"doctrine of preventive and therapeutic medicine that emphasizes the necessity of looking at the whole person—his body, mind, emotions, and environment—rather than at an isolated function or organ...holistic medicine puts ownership of the patient's health back with the patient, teaching the precepts of exercise, a good diet, adequate sleep, fresh air, and moderation in personal habits† (Shaw, 2008). Originally considered â€Å"new age† and totally against the medical methods of treatment, in more recent times holistic aspects of health care are working alongside mainstream medical techniques. While it could not be said that Virginia Henderson was a

Monday, October 28, 2019

10 Major Agricultural Problems Of India Essay Example for Free

10 Major Agricultural Problems Of India Essay Some of the major problems and their possible solutions have been discussed as follows. Indian agriculture is plagued by several problems; some of them are natural and some others are manmade. 1. Small and fragmented land-holdings: The seemingly abundance of net sown area of 141.2 million hectares and total cropped area of 189.7 million hectares (1999-2000) pales into insignificance when we see that it is divided into economically unviable small and scattered holdings. The average size of holdings was 2.28 hectares in 1970-71 which was reduced to 1. 82 hectares in 1980-81 and 1.50 hectares in 1995-96. The size of the holdings will further decrease with the infinite Sub-division of the land holdings. See more: Sleep Deprivation Problem Solution Speech Essay The problem of small and fragmented holdings is more serious in densely populated and intensively cultivated states like Kerala, West Bengal, Bihar  and eastern part of Uttar Pradesh where the average size of land holdings is less than one hectare and in certain parts it is less than even 0.5 hectare. Rajasthan with vast sandy stretches and Nagaland with the prevailing ‘Jhoom’ (shifting agriculture) have larger average sized holdings of 4 and 7.15 hectares respectively. States having high percentage of net sown area like Punjab, Haryana, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Karnataka and Madhya Pradesh have holding size above the national average. Further it is shocking to note that a large proportion of 59 per cent holdings in 1990- 91 were marginal (below 1 hectare) accounting for 14.9 per cent of the total operated area. Another 19 per cent were small holdings (1-2 hectare) taking up 17.3 per cent of the total operated area. Large holdings (above 10 hectare) accounted for only 1.6 per cent of total holdings but covered 17.4 per cent of the operated area (Table 22.1). Hence, there is a wide gap between small farmers, medium farmers (peasant group) and big farmers (landlords). The main reason for this sad state of affairs is our inheritance laws. The land belonging to the father is equally distributed among his sons. This distribution of land does not entail a collection or consolidated one, but its nature is fragmented. Different tracts have different levels of fertility and are to be distributed accordingly. If there are four tracts which are to be distributed between two sons, both the sons will get smaller plots of each land tract. In this way the holdings become smaller and more fragmented with each passing generation. Sub-division and fragmentation of the holdings is one of the main causes of our low agricultural productivity and backward state of our agriculture. 1/2/2015 7:58 PM 10 Major Agricultural Problems of India and their Possible Solutions 3 of 16 A lot of time and labour is wasted in moving seeds, manure, implements and cattle from one piece of land to another.  Irrigation becomes difficult on such small and fragmented fields. Further, a lot of fertile agricultural land is wasted in providing boundaries. Under such circumstances, the farmer cannot concentrate on improvement. The only answer to this ticklish problem is the consolidation of holdings which means the reallocation of holdings which are fragmented, the creation of farms which comprise only one or a few parcels in place of multitude of patches formerly in the possession of each peasant. But unfortunately, this plan has not succeeded much. Although legislation for consolidation of holdings has been enacted by almost all the states, it has been implemented only in Punjab, Haryana and in some parts of Uttar Pradesh. Consolidation of about 45 million holdings has been done till 1990-91 in Punjab, Haryana and western Uttar Pradesh. The other solution to this problem is cooperative farming in which the farmers pool their resources and share the profit. 2. Seeds: Seed is a critical and basic input for attaining higher crop yields and sustained growth in agricultural production. Distribution of assured quality seed is as critical as the production of such seeds. Unfortunately, good quality seeds are out of reach of the majority of farmers, especially small and marginal farmers mainly because of exorbitant prices of better seeds. In order to solve this problem, the Government of India established the National Seeds Corporation (NSC) in 1963 and the State Farmers Corporation of India (SFCI) in 1969. Thirteen State Seed Corporations (SSCs) were also established to augment the supply of improved seeds to the farmers.  High Yielding Variety Programme (HYVP) was launched in 1966-67 as a major thrust plan to increase the production of food grains in the country. The Indian seed industry had exhibited impressive growth in the past and is expected to provide further potential for growth in agricultural production: The role of seed industry is not only to produce adequate quantity of quality seeds but also to achieve varietal diversity to suit various agro-climatic zones of the country. The policy statements are designed towards making available to the Indian farmer, adequate quantities of seed of superior quality at the appropriate time and place and at an affordable price so as to meet the country’s food and nutritional security goals. Indian seeds programme largely adheres to limited generation system for seed multiplication. The system recognises three kinds of generation, namely breeder, foundation and certified seeds. Breeder seed is the basic seed and first stage in seed production. Foundation seed is the second stage in seed production chain and is the progeny of breeder seed. Certified seed is the ultimate stage in seed production chain and is the progeny of foundation seed. Production of breeder and foundation seeds and certified seeds distribution have gone up at an annual average rate of 3.4 per cent, 7.5 per  cent and 9.5 per cent respectively, between 2001-02 and 2005-06). 3. Manures, Fertilizers and Biocides: Indian soils have been used for growing crops over thousands of years  without caring much for replenishing. This has led to depletion and exhaustion of soils resulting in their low productivity. The average yields of almost all the crops are among t e lowest in the world. This is a serious problem which can be solved by using more manures and fertilizers. Manures and fertilizers play the same role in relation to soils as good food in relation to body. Just as a well-nourished body is capable of doing any good job, a well nourished soil is capable of giving good yields. It has been estimated that about 70 per cent of growth in agricultural production can be attributed to increased fertilizer application. Thus increase in the consumption of fertilizers is a barometer of agricultural prosperity. However, there are practical difficulties in providing sufficient manures and fertilizers in all parts of a country of India’s dimensions inhabited by poor peasants. Cow dung provides the best manure to the soils. But its use as such is limited because much of cow dung is used as kitchen fuel in the shape of dung cakes. Reduction in the supply of fire wood and increasing demand for fuel in the rural areas due to increase in population has further complicated the problem. Chemical fertilizers are costly and are often beyond the reach of the poor farmers. The fertilizer problem is, therefore, both acute and complex. It has been felt that organic manures are essential for keeping the soil in good health. The country has a potential of 650 million tonnes of rural and 160 lakh tonnes of urban compost which is not fully utilized at present. The utilization of this potential will solve the twin problem of disposal of waste and providing manure to the soil. The government has given high incentive especially in the form of heavy subsidy for using chemical fertilizers. There was practically no use of chemical fertilizers at the time of Independence As a result of initiative by  the government and due to change in the attitude of some progressive farmers, the consumption of fertilizers increased tremendously. In order to maintain the quality of the fertilizers, 52 fertilizer quality control laboratories have been set up in different parts of the country. In addition, there is one Central Fertilizer Quality Control and Training Institute at Faridabad with its three regional centres at Mumbai, Kolkata and Chennai. Pests, germs and weeds cause heavy loss to crops which amounted to about one third of the total field produce at the time of Independence. Biocides (pesticides, herbicides and weedicides) are used to save the crops and to avoid losses. The increased use of these inputs has saved a lot of crops, especially the food crops from unnecessary wastage. But indiscriminate use of biocides has resulted in wide spread environmental pollution which takes its own toll. 4. Irrigation: Although India is the second largest irrigated country of the world after China, only one-third of the cropped area is under irrigation. Irrigation is the most important agricultural input in a tropical monsoon country like India where rainfall is uncertain, unreliable and erratic India cannot achieve sustained progress in agriculture unless and until more than half of the cropped area is brought under assured irrigation. This is testified by the success story of agricultural progress in Punjab Haryana and western part of Uttar Pradesh where over half of the cropped area is under irrigation! Large tracts still await irrigation to boost the agricultural output. However, care must be taken to safeguard against ill effects of over irrigation especially in areas irrigated by canals. Large tracts in Punjab  and Haryana have been rendered useless (areas affected by salinity, alkalinity and water-logging), due to faulty irrigation. In the Indira Gandhi Canal command area also intensive irrigation has led to sharp rise in sub-soil water level, leading to water-logging, soil salinity and alkalinity. 5. Lack of mechanisation: In spite of the large scale mechanisation of agriculture in some parts of the country, most of the agricultural operations in larger parts are carried on by human hand using simple and conventional tools and implements like wooden plough, sickle, etc. Little or no use of machines is made in ploughing, sowing, irrigating,  thinning and pruning, weeding, harvesting threshing and transporting the crops. This is specially the case with small and marginal farmers. It results in huge wastage of human labour and in low yields per capita labour force. There is urgent need to mechanise the agricultural operations so that wastage of labour force is avoided and farming is made convenient and efficient. Agricultural implements and machinery are a crucial input for efficient and timely agricultural operations, facilitating multiple cropping and thereby increasing production. Some progress has been made for mechanising agriculture in India after Independence. Need for mechanisation was specially felt with the advent of Green Revolution in 1960s. Strategies and programmes have been directed towards replacement of traditional and inefficient implements by improved ones, enabling the farmer to own tractors, power tillers, harvesters and other machines. A large industrial base for manufacturing of the agricultural machines has also been developed. Power availability for carrying out various  agricultural operations has been increased to reach a level of 14 kW per hectare in 2003-04 from only 0.3 kW per hectare in 1971-72. This increase was the result of increasing use of tractor, power tiller and combine harvesters, irrigation pumps and other power operated machines. The share of mechanical and electrical power has increased from 40 per cent in 1971 to 84 per cent in 2003-04. Uttar Pradesh recorded the highest average sales of tractors during the five  year period ending 2003-04 and/West Bengal recorded the highest average sales of power tillers during the same period.  Strenuous efforts are being made to encourage the farmers to adopt technically advanced agricultural equipments in order to carry farm operations timely and precisely and to economise the agricultural production process. 6. Soil erosion: Large tracts of fertile land suffer from soil erosion by wind and water. This area must be properly treated and restored to its original fertility. 7. Agricultural Marketing: Agricultural marketing still continues to be in a bad shape in rural India. In the absence of sound marketing facilities, the farmers have to depend upon local traders and middlemen for the disposal of their farm produce which is sold at throw-away price. In most cases, these farmers are forced, under socio-economic conditions, to carry on distress sale of their produce. In most of small villages, the farmers sell their produce to the money lender from whom they usually borrow money.  According to an estimate 85 per cent of wheat and 75 per cent of oil seeds in Uttar Pradesh, 90 per cent of Jute in West Bengal, 70 per cent of oilseeds and 35 per cent of cotton in Punjab is sold by farmers in the village itself. Such a situation arises due to the inability of the poor farmers to wait for long after harvesting their crops. In order to meet his commitments and pay his debt, the poor farmer is forced to sell the produce at whatever price is offered to him. The Rural Credit Survey Report rightly remarked that the producers in general sell their produce at an unfavourable place and at an unfavourable time and usually they get unfavourable terms. In the absence of an organised marketing structure, private traders and middlemen dominate the marketing and trading of agricultural produce. The remuneration of the services provided by the middlemen increases the load on the consumer, although the producer does not derive similar benefit. Many market surveys have revealed that middlemen take away about 48 per cent of the price of rice, 52 per cent of the price of grounduts and 60 per cent of the price of potatoes offered by consumers. In order to save the farmer from the clutches of the money lenders and the middle men, the government has come out with regulated markets. These markets generally introduce a system of competitive buying, help in eradicating malpractices, ensure the use of standardised weights and measures and evolve suitable machinery for settlement of disputes thereby ensuring that the producers are not subjected to exploitation and receive remunerative prices.